Lernen Sie den kultigen Schnuller kennen, mit dem BIBS entstanden ist – seit über vierzig Jahren ein zeitlos beliebter Trost- und Freudenspender für Babys.
• Erhältlich mit drei verschiedenen Saugerformen, damit er perfekt zu Ihrem Baby passt
• Mit Sauger aus Naturkautschuk, der für seine hautähnliche Weichheit, hervorragende Anpassungsfähigkeit und Saugbeständigkeit geschätzt wird
• Behutsam gestalteter Schild verhindert Hautreizungen und Feuchtigkeitsstau
• Sichere, BPA-freie, völlig lebensmittelechte Materialien
• In Dänemark gestaltet und hergestellt
Wir empfehlen, mit einer dem Alter des Babys entsprechenden Größe zu starten, aber letztlich kann nur das Baby die beste Passform bestimmen. Wenn Ihr Baby wächst, empfiehlt sich ein Umstieg auf größere Sauger zwecks mehr Komfort und Sicherheit.
Vor der ersten Benutzung • Ziehen Sie sanft am Sauger in alle Richtungen und überprüfen Sie ihn sorgfältig auf Anzeichen von Schwäche oder Beschädigung
• Sterilisieren Sie neue Schnuller immer nach dem Entfernen aus der Verpackung
• Überprüfen Sie die Schnuller Ihres Babys regelmäßig und ersetzen Sie sie alle 4-6 Wochen oder beim ersten Anzeichen von Beschädigung oder Schwäche.
• Ein vergrößerter oder klebriger Sauger bedeutet, dass er ersetzt werden muss
• Sterilisieren Sie Sauger aus Naturkautschuklatex regelmäßig durch Abbrühen - read more here
Sicherheit und Standards
Entspricht der europäischen Norm EN 1400+A2
Was Kunden sagen
Only pacifier baby will take
My baby is breastfed and I’ve tried every single kind of pacifier! He only will take these! He LOVES them!! Doesn’t even spit them out!
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February 22, 2023
Great ones
My baby loves these. I like that they don’t fall off easily
March 2, 2023
Hate searching for Paci at Night!
This Paci is the best glow in dark paci. We never struggle to find them at night anymore. Even my daughter will wake up and find it right away.
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February 16, 2023
Most preferred
The only pacifier that my grandsons’ will use!
February 24, 2023
Not all the same
Great company and style , but not standard sizes and comfort, had to order another one to replace it. Some are softer and harder than other.s..still good choice but order few to pick from.
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February 6, 2023
Love these!
These are great. My baby loves them.
February 16, 2023
The only ones my baby uses
These are great. This is my second set of them so far and it’s the only type my baby likes.
February 6, 2023
One of the only binks my baby will take.
I have a 2 month old who is very picky about binkys and he actually seems to like this one and will use it
January 18, 2023
baby’s favorite
my son will cry nonstop if we give him another pacifier. he has to absolutely have this one to go to sleep. pricey but worth it!
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January 23, 2023
My son’s favorite!
My baby would not take any other pacifier, this is the only brand he used. Super easy to clean and very durable if you take care of it.
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January 14, 2023
Great Set, But Couture Sizing Issues
This is a great set to try the pacifiers before committing to one type. I like the mix of silicone and rubber/latex pacifiers so your little one can find one they will most like and consistently take. Overall I’m very pleased with the quality and value how these are “clean” (not as many chemicals). Word of caution: There are quality control issues for the pacifier size, at least for one of them. My 3 week old son took to one of these paci’s strongly and won’t take any others. I was excited to be able to buy the same style and size so I could have multiple of this type. However, once I bought them I realized a huge issue. The Couture style in this pack is neither the 0-6 month size nor the 6-18 month size. It’s somewhere in between. My son will not take the noticeably smaller 0-6 and the 6-18 is far to big for his tiny mouth. So now I have 1 pacifier that he likes and no spares. I don’t want to spend $30 on another “try it” set just for one pacifier. I’m attaching photos so you can see the difference for yourselves. (First two pictures are comparison of the 0-6 mo and the next two are the 6-18 mo.) If you’re interested in the Couture style I would by the 0-6 month set not this one because you don’t want to end up in my situation. Overall a good brand, just wish I could get more of that exact size Couture.
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June 18, 2022
Great product
Only pacifier our babies like
January 22, 2023
not the same nipple
my son loves these pacifiers and ive ordered them before no problem but one of the nipples is almost clear completely see through and the other is natural rubber. not sure if that is normal just seemed odd. especially for 15.00 for 2 pacis i would expect to have the same paci as previously ordered. but overall my son loves that it takes a few weeks to get back to the size that he likes because his size one was very larger than the size 2 that i just bought.
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November 3, 2022
Great pacis.
My kids love these way too much. Look really cute. Fyi, these aren’t the best for their teeth, but that’s up to you.
January 7, 2023
Best binky!
Makes sleepy searching for binky soooo much easier!!!
January 5, 2023
Baby Loves These!
The only pacifier that will stay in his mouth!
December 27, 2022
Good for babies that pop pacifier out
Our babies suck their regular pacifier from hospital so hard they pop it out and we’re constantly putting it back in. This pacifier way it’s shape they can hold onto pacifier longer to suck. We use this pacifier when sleeping or very fussy. Only con is the bigger end can make them harder to want to take it at times especially if just mildly fussing but they’ll take it when pissed off. We alternate this pacifier with our other one depending on their mood
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August 17, 2022
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