This is a great set to try the pacifiers before committing to one type. I like the mix of silicone and rubber/latex pacifiers so your little one can find one they will most like and consistently take. Overall I’m very pleased with the quality and value how these are “clean” (not as many chemicals). Word of caution: There are quality control issues for the pacifier size, at least for one of them. My 3 week old son took to one of these paci’s strongly and won’t take any others. I was excited to be able to buy the same style and size so I could have multiple of this type. However, once I bought them I realized a huge issue. The Couture style in this pack is neither the 0-6 month size nor the 6-18 month size. It’s somewhere in between. My son will not take the noticeably smaller 0-6 and the 6-18 is far to big for his tiny mouth. So now I have 1 pacifier that he likes and no spares. I don’t want to spend $30 on another “try it” set just for one pacifier. I’m attaching photos so you can see the difference for yourselves. (First two pictures are comparison of the 0-6 mo and the next two are the 6-18 mo.) If you’re interested in the Couture style I would by the 0-6 month set not this one because you don’t want to end up in my situation. Overall a good brand, just wish I could get more of that exact size Couture.