New priorities
“Before becoming a parent, I would become so stressed about these little things. Like a stain on my couch could ruin my day. Now I’m just like ‘who cares’, and I will move a pillow to cover it. Yeah, I don't care about these little things anymore” - Amela, mother to Mila.
Be at peace with oneself
“I think it's important to be at peace with oneself. I am a mother, and I have a body that has produced a child. So right now, I don't think it's as important how I look. The most important thing is that my son is doing well and that we are doing well as a family. It's not that important if you have a little extra weight on the sides, if your hair is tied up in a knot, or if you have makeup on. Before I used to make a fuss about tiny things. Now I just say, ‘who cares’. I have developed such a big "who cares button”. I didn't have that before” - Katrine, mother to Lucas.
Remember self-care
“There's one quote that I always remember when I'm having a stressful day. It is that you can't pour from an empty cup. For me, it just means that I have to care of myself so I can continue caring for my daughter” - Emily, mother to Ottilie.