Need help? Take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions


Which type of pacifier should I choose?

It's very important to choose a pacifier and nipple, that fits your child perfectly. Find our advices and knowledge regarding your choice in our Nipple Guide.

Which materials are used in your pacifiers and products?

Made of 100% food-safe Polypropylene (PP).

Completely FREE from BPA, PVC and phthalates.

Pacifiers complies with the European Standard EN 1400+A2.

Designed and manufactured only in Denmark/EU.

How do I choose the right size for my kid?

You can find answers regarding our sizes in our Size Guide.

Jeg har købt nye sutter, men de virker mindre end de gamle.

The latex nipple is affected by external influences like temperature, saliva, light, and heat. These changes are expressed in swelling, discoloration, stickiness, and loss of stability of the nipple by tensile load and correspond with the natural aging process of latex.

The enlarged pacifier nipple indicates that the nipple has been in use for a while, which has resulted in a swelling of the latex material. Therefore, the present size can differ from the original size and the new pacifier seems smaller than the old one.

When should you replace your pacifier?

- Inspect carefully before each use. Pull the nipple in all directions. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness.

- Replace the pacifier after 4-6 weeks of use, for safety and hygiene reasons.

My baby does not want the new pacifier that I bought

This could be caused by several things. It could be that you have used the old pacifier for too long. This is one of the reasons why you should replace the pacifier every 4-6 weeks in order to avoid changes which might occur over time.

Why is the nipple clear on one pacifier and foggy on another?

Latex is a natural product with many positive properties like softness, high bite endurance, and tensile strength. However, latex is subject to natural material fluctuations which can become noticeable through a different optical appearance. Therefore, the nipple can vary in clearness and colour. The quality or product safety is not affected thereby.

Care & Cleaning

How often should I clean the pacifier?

Sterilize the pacifier by putting it in a bowl with boiling water for 5 minutes before the first use.

- Place the pacifiers in a clean and heat resistant bowl and pour boiling water over them.

- Leave in the water for 5 minutes and let them dry on a clean towel afterwards.

- Use the towel to press excess water out of the nipple.

Make sure the pacifiers is completely cooled down before giving it to your baby. Keep it clean by washing it with hot, soapy water after each use.

Hvorfor bliver min latex sut klæbrig på overfladen?

Naturgummilatex er et naturligt materiale, som bliver påvirket af sollys, høje temperaturer og fugt, hvilket accelerer aldringsprocessen af materialet. Derfor ændrer materialet dets egenskaber og kan blive klæbrigt eller skrøbeligt. Når du oplever en ændring i materialet, skal sutten udskiftes.

How long can I use a pacifier?

It depends on how often it is in use, but we recommend a replacement every 4-6 weeks. Keep an eye out for any changes in the surface, changes in size and shape, or rupture in the material and replace the pacifier if you notice any differences. When your baby has teeth, make sure to pull the nipple in all directions before use and replace the pacifier at the first sign of damage or weakness.

Kan jeg putte mine sutter i opvaskemaskinen?

Sutterne burde ikke blive rengjort i opvaskemaskinen, da det kan ødelægge materialet. Desuden når de fleste opvaskemaskiner ikke temperaturer, der er høje nok til at sterilisere sutterne i en tilstrækkelig grad.

Can I use UV, microwave or other sterilizers for my BIBS?

We advise you not to use sterilizers for sterilization of latex pacifiers. This might cause material defects. Latex is a natural product and undergoes a natural aging process, which can be influenced by external forces.

Der er vand inde i nipplen efter rengøring?

Efter rengøring er det ikke usædvanligt at der forbliver vand i nipplen. Dette skyldes, at alle vores sutters nipler er udstyret med en ventil, der slipper luft ud, når barnet lukker ned på nipplen. Ventilen er også grunden til, at der kan være vand inde i nipplen efter rengøring og sterilisering. Hvis dette er tilfældet, skal du bare klemme nipplen flad for at presse det overskydende vand ud. Hvis der forbliver vand i nipplen, skal du bare lade sutten lufttørre.

Hvorfor laver sutten en lyd, når den er i brug?

Hvis der er overskydende vand i nipplen efter sterilisering, kan det nogle gange skabe en lyd, når sutten bliver brugt af din baby. Der er ingen fare ved lidt vand i nipplen.

Kan jeg fryse sutterne, når min baby er ved at få tænder?

Vi vil råde dig til ikke at fryse dine sutter med eller uden vand indeni af to grunde:

• Naturgummilatex er ikke beregnet til den slags brug. Derfor kan vi ikke sikre, at materialet eller materialeegenskaberne forbliver det samme efterfølgende.

• Du burde altid undgå hudkontakt med frosne objekter. Direkte hudkontakt, og endda indirekte hudkontakt, med is kan forårsage hudskader og forfrysninger.


We recommend replacing the pacifiers after 4-6 weeks due to hygienic reasons. Do not use a pacifier that shows any changes in colour or other irregularities. Because it is natural rubber latex, the nipple may expand over time.


What is the cost of delivery?

If you buy for more than €40 European delivery will be free of charge. Otherwise there is a cost of €5 for delivery to EU or €3,5 for delivery within Denmark.

Hvor lang er den forventede leveringstid?

Leveringstiden afhænger af landet, men som tommelfingerregel er det 2-6 hverdage fra placeringen af din ordre.

Vær opmærksom på, at din ordre kan blive påvirket af den nuværende Covid-19 situation.

Which countries do you deliver to?

At the moment we deliver orders to all European countries.

Hvor kan jeg spore min ordre?

Så snart din ordre er sendt fra vores varehus, sender vi dig en email med en bekræftelse. I denne email vil du finde et sporingsnummer, der bliver aktiveret så snart kureren sporer den første handling på din ordre.

Til nogle områder sender vi ordrene som et sporbart brev. Hvis din ordre er sendt som et sporbart brev, vil sporingsnummeret ikke vise nogle handlinger.

Retur og refundering

Is the return free of charge?

If you return your order because you regret your purchase it will be the same price as the cost of shipment to return it.

If the return of your order is affected by any shortcomings or issues regarding one or several of the products, you will not be charged for the return.

Hvorfor modtog jeg ikke en returlabel med min ordre?

Kontakt venligst vores kundeservice på care@bibsworld.com, hvis du ikke modtog en returlabel med din ordre.

How do I return my order?

Put your properly wrapped items back in the package and close it securely. The products have to be returned in the same original packaging as they were delivered in. Tick the return label on the package and hand in the package with the freight forwarder used in connection with the delivery of the package.

You will receive an email once we register your return in our warehouse. It can take up to 14 days. We return the money to the form of payment used for the purchase.

How do I exchange products from my order?

You have to return those products from your order that you want to exchange in the same way as a normal return. Fill out the return label and tick on the package, before you hand it in to the freight forwarder used in connection with the delivery of the package. When we have received the package at our warehouse, we will refund your money. Be aware that we will keep the cost of return shipping.

When will I receive the money from my return order?

We will refund the amount without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the date we received your cancellation notice. Be aware that we will keep the cost of return shipping.

Ændringer i ordren

Kan jeg lave ændringer i min ordre?

Det er desværre ikke muligt at lave ændringer i din ordre efter du har placeret den. Da vi prøver at levere din ordre så hurtigt som muligt, begynder vi forsendelses processen så snart vi modtager informationen omkring din ordre.

Is it possible to cancel my order?

After your order is placed it is not possible to cancel it, as the shipping process is already running.

Kan jeg ændre forkerte kontaktoplysninger?

Hvis du har skrevet forkert kontaktoplysninger vedrørende levering, skal du tage kontakt til vores kundeservice på care@bibsworld.com så hurtigt som muligt.


Hvilke former for betaling kan jeg bruge?

WVi accepterer alle kredit- og betalingskort: Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Maestro kredit og debit kort.

When is my payment deducted?

We will authorize your card after the placement of your order and you will receive an order confirmation by email. Payment will be taken when your order is shipped from our warehouse.

Fandt du svaret?

We're are always here to help you find the best solution to any challenge or question you might have.

Contact our customer service:
