The thermoplastics we use are often referred to as thermoplastic rubbers because the material appears rubber-like. This means that it is very elastic, flexible, and smooth to the touch (advantages of rubber), but at the same time, it is extremely durable and strong (advantages of plastic). One of the thermoplastics we use is TPU. The TPU we use is safe and food-grade without BPA, PVC, and phthalates.
What is TPU?
For our Dinner Bib and Baby Bitie we use TPU. TPU stands for ‘Thermoplastic Polyurethane’ and is a very elastic and flexible material. It is smooth to the touch, but at the same time extremely durable and strong.
It offers high wear resistance and possesses excellent resistance to oils, greases, and solvents. Making it the perfect material for a dinner bib which must be able to withstand a little bit of everything.
Advantages of the TPU we use:
TPU is recyclable
The TPU we use is recyclable since it can be molded, extruded, and reused. Though, please check your local recycling programs to find out what is recyclable in your area.
TPU has a high heat resistance
The TPU we use has considerable heat resistance, meaning it will not melt or warp when exposed to high-grade heat sources. TPU can withstand ambient temperatures of up to 120 degrees/ 248 F. NB: However, you should not sterilize TPU products in the microwave, as temperatures can exceed 120 degrees/ 248 F!
TPU is durable
The TPU we use is abrasion resistant, giving it the ability to maintain appearances and physical integrity against scratches or scrapes. Because of its abrasion-resistant, it can also withstand impacts and is resistant to many chemicals.
TPU is extremely flexible
The TPU we use has a high degree of flexibility, which makes it suitable for products that need to be flexible and resistant e.g., dinner bibs and baby teethers.
TPU is non-toxic and food-safe
The TPU we use does not contain any chemicals that interfere with endocrine and hormone systems, nor does it contribute to PH change in soil or water. It contains no dangerous ingredients according to REACH Compliance (EC) No 1907/2006.
TPU has a high liquid resistance
The TPU we use is also resistant to oil, grease, and stains, which makes it ideal for keeping up its appearance while safeguarding items from liquids. Further, TPU is water and moisture-resistant, reducing bacterial home creation.
Shop our BIBS Baby Bitie teether here >>
Shop our BIBS Dinner Bib here >>