We recommend replacing dummies every 4-6 weeks for both safety and hygiene reasons. Keep an eye out for any changes in the surface, size, shape, or any rupture in the material, and replace the dummy if you notice any differences. Pull the teat in all directions and inspect it carefully before use, replacing the dummy at the first sign of damage or weakness.
Natural rubber latex nipples
Natural rubber latex is, in contrast to silicone nipples, a natural material and is affected by sunlight, high temperatures, and moisture which accelerates the aging process of the latex material. Therefore, the material changes its properties and can become brittle or sticky. Whenever you experience a change in the material the dummy must be replaced.
Natural rubber latex dummies should be replaced when you see the following signs:
- Changes in the surface
- Changes in size
- Change in shape
- Rupture in the material
- Becomes brittle or sticky
Enlarged natural rubber latex nipple
Natural rubber latex teats are affected by external influences like temperature, saliva, light, and heat. These changes may result in swelling, discoloration, stickiness, and reduced stability of the teat under tensile load, corresponding with the natural aging process of latex. An enlarged dummy teat indicates that it has been in use for too long and should be replaced immediately.
Read more about how and why natural rubber latex expands >>