Caroline Wozniacki on motherhood

Caroline Wozniacki loves motherhood! Watch the video where Caroline talks about motherhood and what she has learned after becoming a mother.

“I think motherhood is incredible. I cannot believe I am looking at this little girl and that she is mine. She is so happy. She is such a beautiful girl. She really needs me and David to teach her stuff, feed her and do all things. And think it is pretty incredible that we are responsible for her in that way”.

Learnings after becoming a mother

On what she has learned after becoming a mother Caroline explains,

“Before Oliva, I just thought that you could bring the baby with you wherever you went, I didn’t really think about all the things she needs and all the things you need to think about. Even the pacifiers have to have the right material. To have something that is also durable and that is good for her. And that it doesn’t have any toxins. That is something I never thought about. I just assumed that any pacifier on the market would be like that, and it is not. I really learned a lot from the process”.

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The content on the BIBS Blog is designed to provide general information and education. While we aim to support the use of our baby products, including pacifiers, bottles, and cloths, this content does not replace professional medical advice or imply endorsements unless clearly stated. We make every effort to ensure the information shared is accurate and reliable; however, we cannot guarantee it will meet all your needs. Please use the information provided at your own discretion. BIBS is not responsible for any outcomes related to the use or misuse of our products or any other outcomes resulting from the information found on our blog.