As new parents, finding a healthy balance between your responsibilities and personal needs becomes crucial. To shed light on this topic, we reached out to members of our Parentboard who generously shared their insights. Their comments reveal the importance of self-care, effective communication, and staying true to our parenting style, while reminding us that the journey as a new parent is an ongoing learning-process, unique to each individual and their family dynamics.
Finding Balance - Prioritizing Self-Care and Personal Needs
Many new parents highlighted the importance of self-care and addressing their own needs. They recognized the significance of maintaining skincare routines, having uninterrupted showers, returning to their fitness routines, and focusing on their mental well-being. It was unanimously agreed that finding the time to take care of oneself ultimately leads to better care for the baby.
"You need to take care of your own well-being in order to have the energy to take care of your child - put on your own oxygen mask first." - Katrine
Navigating External Influences - Maintaining Individual Parenting Styles
Facing societal expectations and external opinions as new parents can be particularly challenging. Many shared their experiences of staying true to their own parenting style and making decisions that were best for them and their family.
“We try to be open to suggestions, but we don't let ourselves get swayed from our own parenting style. Sometimes, making mistakes is necessary in order to learn and do better next time.” - Jessica
Partnership and Communication - Establishing United Fronts
Effective communication and teamwork were highlighted as vital in establishing shared boundaries as new parents. It was important for partners to be on the same page and set aside time to discuss responsibility sharing, as well as each other's unique concerns, needs, and priorities.
“We respect each other's needs and work as a team. If my partner needs to rest, I let him. When I need to take a shower without rushing, he makes that possible. We appreciate the little things that we can do for each other that make a big difference.” - Özge
Overcoming Guilt and Conflicts - Prioritizing Well-Being and Saying "No"
Parents advised trusting themselves and not feeling guilty about setting certain boundaries and saying no when necessary. They recognized the importance of prioritizing their own well-being and choosing what’s best for their little one, themselves.
“Practice, practice, practice. Setting boundaries won't come easily to most people, but it's okay to start trying little by little until you feel more comfortable with it. Prioritizing boundaries around the health and safety of your child is a great first step, because most will understand where you’re coming from.” - Kate
Work-Life Balance - Finding Harmony Between Personal and Professional Life
Balancing work and personal life can be a significant challenge for new parents as they navigate the demands of both roles. It may involve reevaluating work schedules, exploring flexible arrangements, or even considering career changes that align better with family needs.
“I found a new job in order to be closer to home and have better working hours.” - Louise
“Prior to giving birth I was an overperformer at work. Since having a baby I feel like my work performance is more mediocre. But I’m trying to give myself grace and accept that this is just a phase and that’s okay.” - Kate