My son is 7 months old and breastfed. He doesn't suck his fingers or thumb and always used the breast to settle, this meant that I was the only one who could settle him. We tried different dummies and dipped them in everything but he just wouldn't take them, there was a lot of crying involved. This was made worse when recently he has been resisting settling even with the breast and this has meant lots and lots of crying when trying to get him to settle. I saw these and they said they were anatomical, they were more expensive than other dummies I'd tried but I took the chance. As soon as I put it in his mouth he started sucking, it was a magical moment. I'd never seen him hold a dummy in his mouth and just suck it. He is slowly starting to use it more and my Mum has also been able to settle him using it and loves being able to have sleeping baby cuddles now. I wish I'd found this dummy sooner as it's cut the crying in half (There was a lot of crying 😩) and taken the burden off me now he settles with others more easily. It hasn't even been a week and the results are amazing. So if you have a baby who cries a lot, is breastfed and not taking to a dummy then definitely give this one a try and hopefully you get the same results I did. Highly recommend from a very relieved mummy 😁