How to clean BIBS Pacifier Clip

How to clean BIBS Pacifier Clip

The Pacifier Clip cannot withstand being washed in the washing machine due to the wooden details and metal clip. If the product needs to be cleaned, check out our guidelines here.

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Why use GLOW pacifiers?

Why use GLOW pacifiers?

The night pacifiers help parents and babies to get a good night's sleep. The pacifiers light up in the dark, making it easy for parents and for children to find the pacifier at night.
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Pacifier nipple guide

Pacifier nipple guide

Are you trying to figure out what kind of nipple to choose for your baby? Read our full pacifier nipple guide here.
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How often should I replace the pacifier?

How often should I replace the pacifier?

How can you tell when it is time to change your pacifier to a new one?

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